Monday, February 25, 2008

How much does it cost?

We have all herd that famous saying of "actions speak louder than words" Often if I am dancing around with a smile on my face, laughing and giggling, my actions speak that I am happy for some reason.
If I stomp away, sigh heavily, throw or hit something you can guess I might be a little perturbed about an issue.

We often see the actions of people and that defines, for us, the kind of person they must be. Or it may decide how we are going to relate to that person. All of that based on their actions alone.

During the 5 minutes I had this morning before my class started I read in Oswald Chambers "My Utmost for His Highest" This is the classic version so its mostly in a KJ version as well as the text was a little difficult for me to comprehend at first. So this morning I read slowly and consulted my NIV bible I have in my desk drawer.
The verse for OCs devotion today came from 2 Corthians 12:15. "So I will gladly expend myself as well. If I love you more, will you love me less?" (niv)
Paul is talking here about serving and not necessarily getting anything at all in return!
Paul is willing to expend himself, to eagerly exert and do what he has to for these people. But not for any love in return. Why? That he may get the people to God.
OC says that Paul does not care what the price may be he will gladly and joyfully serve and do what he has for the sake of our Lord.

Paul refers to Christ's way of serving. If you recall Jesus washed the feet of his own disciples! Why? As an act of love, servitude and humbleness (imo). I believe my God to be loving and serving, and humble. His acts of healing people, showing kindness to the woman at the well, being humble and washing the feet of his disciples, and being a servant to die for me so that my sins will be paid for.

Now some of us have a problem with speaking the truth and loudly from our mouths talking about the Gospel. Should we have that problem? NO! Working with my finances youth I see that they say they are Christians, at church they say it, but there is no other evidence in their life that they speak of Jesus outside of the walls of that youth room.
But the beauty of being in Christ is serving him in words and actions. When words fail, our actions should speak the millions of things we fail to verbalize everyday.
"The real test of the saint is not preaching the gospel, but washing disciples' feet, that is, doing the things that do not count in the actual estimate of men but count everything in the estimate of God."
Who gives a hoot about pleasing society and what others think, who cares what the latest fashion trend is, who cares about the newest gossip to hit the halls or work place.
Certainly not God, and not Paul either. "Paul delighted to spend himself out for God's interests in other people, and he did not care what it cost."
So what if your friends see you talking to a girl or boy who isn't considered part of their "group" who dresses a little different, or talks a little different. God's interest IS that person! He cares about them, loves them, and wants to use US (me and you) his servants to delight in showing them God. NO matter the cost.
What could it cost? our popularity, social status, spot at the cool kid table, the party invite, lunch with the people who spend more time gossiping about others than they do actually working?
Hmmm is that a price your willing to pay?
Paul was, he spoke loudly and did not care the cost. He wanted to make sure that he was showing people the love, and grace that God had given to him. Its such an amazing gift that Paul wanted to share it with the world. Paul eventually paid the price with his life, but he did not go quietly. Just pick up your bible and flip through most of the new testament, you'll hear God speaking clearly through Paul to the nations, to the millions, to US!

So what's the cost of being polite, of sitting with someone new at lunch, of helping a friend to move, volunteering a friendly face at a soup kitchen, of reminding your friends you have youth on Sunday/Wednesday nights? What's the cost of listening to your parents, of saying no to that party you know has nothing but trouble. What's the cost of being bread and wine for Christ?
Of being poured out to show that you are a believer in Jesus Christ who so willingly served you in dieing for you?

So what's the cost?

Father use me to be your bread, your wine, you servant. Lord to speak with my actions the love of God to those around me, especially when my words fail. May a smile brighten the day, a kind compliment lift a spirit, and listening ear heal the wounds. Father, give me strength to finish each day as your servant washing the feet of everyone I encounter.

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