Tuesday, February 26, 2008

long week

So this is my week.
Yesterday - good ol' monday. We had baseball and softball games. It turned into just baseball b/c the other SB team didn't show. So I got home some time after 10:00, and took a bath around 11. I got out and got ready for bed. As I was talking to LP he said "come let me in." YAY he came and saw me for about 5 minuted. Tucked me in and left to go back to his dorm. It was along day yesterday, but seeing him for my last 5 minutes of the day made it all better.
I probably went to sleep around 12:30 or 1. Didn't look.

Today: Tuesday. I was so tired getting up this morning, that I didn't get up till 9:00. Now I need to leave at 9:30 everyday so I can be at work at 10. yea....I was about 10 minutes behind. But it was ok. Normal day. The basketball team has first round of state playoffs tonight and on of the football coaches said he was going and said I could ride with him. He is leaving late enough that I will still be at the school and I would have pretty much gotten all my work done. But its in greenville. Which means I'll be getting back probably late. And I just don't need another late night. But I would like to go and support the team. But I'm not gonna go. Good luck to the JAGS anyways.

Wednesday we have a home tennis match, which should not put me home to late b/c i remember Nikki (the last trainer) said that if it was 6:30 she was leaving. So I usually follow by her rules. But we'll see how long it goes. If it goes. Its been raining a lot today so there is a possibility it may get canceled tomorrow. Thursday I should be able to get home around 5:30ish b/c there are no games so there should just be regular practices. So thursday should be a pretty easy day which I will def. need.
On Friday.....yay....but boo... all at the same time. We have a home baseball, softball, and soccer games. oh gosh. Which any other friday night it would just be along friday. However, Lp's youth is going skiing that weekend. I had signed up as a chaperone b/c the schedule didn't have us playing games that night. But soon as the offical schedules came out it did. I thought of a million ways to get it covered, but I couldn't do that to any of my trainer friends. I wouldn't be right. So after the games I will drive home and LPs brother, Jonathan will be riding with me. He said he didn't mind. So I will at least have someone to ride with me to keep me awake or to switch off if needed.
Saturday and Sunday will be skiing and hanging out. Hope fully I can relax in the lodge with some warm coffee drink after I've had my fill of skiing and tubing, and just read and talk. I'll be tired, but it wont stop me from having fun! In excited to get away to some place else this weekend. And hopefully a weekend in Pilot will be coming soon.

So as you can see.....my special and really only reader. Who will probably just skim over this as he already knows every bit of it. I have a long week ahead. Next week is a LOT easier. We only have one 2 games and that's tennis and track and they will get knocked out in the same day. Sweetness.
Also next week on Thursday is mine and Lawrence's one year anniversary! yay! one hole year in a week and two days. But I'm more so counting down the bigger day..... 81 days as of today till may 17th! yay!

well this blog has been long and really useless....just so I could waste a little time at work, and just take my mind off of work for but.Until next time

later taters

Monday, February 25, 2008

How much does it cost?

We have all herd that famous saying of "actions speak louder than words" Often if I am dancing around with a smile on my face, laughing and giggling, my actions speak that I am happy for some reason.
If I stomp away, sigh heavily, throw or hit something you can guess I might be a little perturbed about an issue.

We often see the actions of people and that defines, for us, the kind of person they must be. Or it may decide how we are going to relate to that person. All of that based on their actions alone.

During the 5 minutes I had this morning before my class started I read in Oswald Chambers "My Utmost for His Highest" This is the classic version so its mostly in a KJ version as well as the text was a little difficult for me to comprehend at first. So this morning I read slowly and consulted my NIV bible I have in my desk drawer.
The verse for OCs devotion today came from 2 Corthians 12:15. "So I will gladly expend myself as well. If I love you more, will you love me less?" (niv)
Paul is talking here about serving and not necessarily getting anything at all in return!
Paul is willing to expend himself, to eagerly exert and do what he has to for these people. But not for any love in return. Why? That he may get the people to God.
OC says that Paul does not care what the price may be he will gladly and joyfully serve and do what he has for the sake of our Lord.

Paul refers to Christ's way of serving. If you recall Jesus washed the feet of his own disciples! Why? As an act of love, servitude and humbleness (imo). I believe my God to be loving and serving, and humble. His acts of healing people, showing kindness to the woman at the well, being humble and washing the feet of his disciples, and being a servant to die for me so that my sins will be paid for.

Now some of us have a problem with speaking the truth and loudly from our mouths talking about the Gospel. Should we have that problem? NO! Working with my finances youth I see that they say they are Christians, at church they say it, but there is no other evidence in their life that they speak of Jesus outside of the walls of that youth room.
But the beauty of being in Christ is serving him in words and actions. When words fail, our actions should speak the millions of things we fail to verbalize everyday.
"The real test of the saint is not preaching the gospel, but washing disciples' feet, that is, doing the things that do not count in the actual estimate of men but count everything in the estimate of God."
Who gives a hoot about pleasing society and what others think, who cares what the latest fashion trend is, who cares about the newest gossip to hit the halls or work place.
Certainly not God, and not Paul either. "Paul delighted to spend himself out for God's interests in other people, and he did not care what it cost."
So what if your friends see you talking to a girl or boy who isn't considered part of their "group" who dresses a little different, or talks a little different. God's interest IS that person! He cares about them, loves them, and wants to use US (me and you) his servants to delight in showing them God. NO matter the cost.
What could it cost? our popularity, social status, spot at the cool kid table, the party invite, lunch with the people who spend more time gossiping about others than they do actually working?
Hmmm is that a price your willing to pay?
Paul was, he spoke loudly and did not care the cost. He wanted to make sure that he was showing people the love, and grace that God had given to him. Its such an amazing gift that Paul wanted to share it with the world. Paul eventually paid the price with his life, but he did not go quietly. Just pick up your bible and flip through most of the new testament, you'll hear God speaking clearly through Paul to the nations, to the millions, to US!

So what's the cost of being polite, of sitting with someone new at lunch, of helping a friend to move, volunteering a friendly face at a soup kitchen, of reminding your friends you have youth on Sunday/Wednesday nights? What's the cost of listening to your parents, of saying no to that party you know has nothing but trouble. What's the cost of being bread and wine for Christ?
Of being poured out to show that you are a believer in Jesus Christ who so willingly served you in dieing for you?

So what's the cost?

Father use me to be your bread, your wine, you servant. Lord to speak with my actions the love of God to those around me, especially when my words fail. May a smile brighten the day, a kind compliment lift a spirit, and listening ear heal the wounds. Father, give me strength to finish each day as your servant washing the feet of everyone I encounter.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hump Day

Oh its Wednesday day. I was out sick yesterday came up to the school to set up water for the basketball game and tape players. I didn't feel well and I shouldn't have been there yesterday. But I made my appearance and got things ready and left.
I used my time yesterday to rest and study. My test is tomorrow. But I wont say much more about that. other than Im tired of taking this test, I want to pass tomorrow and prove I can do this.
That's all Im saying about that.

So me and LP are starting this new diet "The Abs diet" well its not a diet, says the book, basically its changing your eating habits to eat more times a day and eat better foods that are made to burn fat. Your basically keeping your metabolism up and eating better. It helps to target the fat around your belly, which is the most dangerous fat on your body. Worth a shot. I don't know all there is to know about it yet. Im just getting started with the book.

I started my morning with a shake (yogurt, milk, banana, OJ, ice, honey) I have to say it was pretty good. Im having my snack now as I type and out off cleaning my training room and setting up water for outside sports today. Im eating for my snack: a peanut butter Nature Valley bar. Its ok. I favor the Honey and Oats. For lunch I plan to have a Turkey/mayo/cheese sandwich on wheat bread. And maybe a pear fruit cup. My second snack will be some Wheat thins. And dinner Im not sure what I'll have. I'll determine that later.

This change in eating is going to be different for me. As I'm going from not really eating much to eating more during the day. We shall see how it goes.

Im headed home tonight to stay with my parents and my Dad and I will go get breakfast in the morning and he'll show me were to go to take my test.
Well I better get to work. Above my eye is swollen b/c of a big red bump pimple thing that hurts. I got some gross stuff out but now its swollen and hurts still. ugh. Hope it goes down before anyone really sees me....its kind of embarrassing. (sorry Lp had to share that)

Oh yea. Tomorrow is valentine's ;) day! I got Lp a little something, and i think we are going to go see that movie "Jumper". Can't wait. well got to get to work....have a good one!


Friday, February 8, 2008

not feeling well

So its friday! yay! and I dont even think I can really enjoy it. I dont feel good. I have these flu like symptoms with body aches, my ears hurt, and my throat hurts. My body aches to the point were I dont want to move, but if I dont move then I feel the ache and I have to move. Weird! and it sucks. I mean I hurt last night hanging out with Lawrence, and I hate when I dont feel good, I feel like I bring a blah mood to the time we get to spend together. Hanging out with him did make me feel a little better. I got some rest last night but woke up around 4 to use the restroom. I felt like I was getting better, but as today as moved on I dont feel that great.

But the good thing about today I do get to go home early. There is no basketball practice, no wrestling and no track. So i get to leave around 2:45!! HAHAHA!!! yay!
However, the bummer of the day was my AD forgot to communicate with me that we have Cheerleading competitions here at OHS tomorrow.....yea and I have to be here for that. Grrr. It will last from 11-2....I just pray that i dont feel like this tomorrow. I pray I dont feel bad, it will just make the day wear on.....boo

And I need to use today and tomorrow to continue to study for my BOC....gotta do it this time. Im so tired of not passing!. I can't keep affording to take it.

So hopefully I can get better before tomorrow...and before tonight. Im gonna go get my antibotics filled (they are for my ear if i needed them) and get some Tylenol whatever and rest when i get home. Do some studying and just relax.

Well lets just pray I get better so that this weekend can be good.
