Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Well it is only tuesday in this last week of work at OHS. Finally! I need a summer vacation.
For some reason Im really tired right now. I think it maybe me coming down from the coffee. Im just ready to be able to wake up late in the morning or early in the afternoon for a couple of days.

Today my class is really short I think, they are only coming to me for lunch. So i'll put in another movie and wait till its time for them to go. I've got a bunch to do on my list of "to do" One of those to do i do not want to do. My AD decided that he would send me with the people going to get physicals today. Said that I needed to be there in case they needed my help. I don't think the doctors office will need me that much. That's why they have staff of their own. So I really hope that they don't need me so I can get home and go to the gym with LP. I don't like being volunteered for something I didn't want to volunteer to do.

Last night I had my first Church league softball game. Had some really good hits, got at triple, but did have a a bad play in the outfield. Misjudged the ball, it was too short, then I over ran the hope it took. Part of that is due to my eye sight. The rest was me making a stupid decision. But I did get some hits and runs in. It was so much fun picking up my glove and a bat again. I love the smell of the dirt and standing ready in the outfield. Uh I love it! We have our next game on the 10th. I need to throw in between that time. I didn't get a chance to throw last night so my arm isn't tight. but my legs are killing me. It was good to know i haven't lost to much speed on the bag. but I almost pulled my hamstring. that would have been lovely...ha NOT! But it feels good to be sore after playing softball. Hopefully I can get a decent workout at the gym today.

Tonight we are going to this independent business owners thing that Josh and Bryce do. Me and LP are thinking about investing something into it more so we can order things for our selves. Health foods and such. So were headed to Raleigh for that tonight. Heidi is coming along to so it should be fun.

Well the bell rang, so time for a my third period. The back to waiting for the day to end. Good thing i have a new book to read. :)
Have a good day!

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