So It is finally friday...woo....
Yes I know I should sound a little more excited about this. However, I am not. Usually when I have to get up at 6am and come to work Im not. I usually get to work at 10. As an Athletic Trainer at a high school this is somewhat normal. Some HS trainers go into work at 11ish....I come in at 10 because of the class I teach. Today is the last day of school. Sweetness!
So bc it is the last day it is a half day. A half day for the students it seems. Not for the rest of us.
Ugh. Honestly for me there is nothing to do. Ive already turned in my grades and since I dont really have any other classes I get to sit here today and do nothing.
Ok so I have stuff I can do. But if I do it now I will have nothing to do next week when I have to come in from 8-2:30
Why I have to come in next week....I'll never understand.
But Lawrence said he would come with me (its Monday and Tuesday of next week
I have to clean and do inventory and order supplies for next year. So it wont be too bad with him here. It will actually be better. If we run out of things to do here. We always have a bunch of Thank you cards to do. :)
***time passed**
Well school just let out, and now the kiddies are what can't the teachers be gone? It would be nice.
So Im back to my office without something to do.
I dont know if im really suppose to come to graduation tonight or not. Honestly I dont care if I come or not. But I really can't afford to come all the way back here. Since the school deducted 450 out of my pay check I dont have any extra money. Especially with taking LPs mom to the beach to see her friend. So were already hurting for money and I dont get paid again till the end of the month.
Thank goodness Lawrence keeps my spirits up about all this. He says were gonna make it and I sure hope he's right. He really helps me not be so depressed about it.
So we shall see if we make it through the month. I sure hope so. I put 15 in gas in the car this morning, and I dont have the money to put more gas in the car to come out here tonight.
Good Ol' Ms Mays said I wouldn't come all the way back here. She was like don't come. I told her i couldn't afford it. And told her I wish she was my boss. She said that since Mr Altman said I could come if I wanted to then I dont have to. Just don't come. I feel like I should bc all the other teachers have to, but I really really can not afford to come. If I could I would but with our money being the way it is, this is an expense I can not afford. I hope I don't get in trouble for not coming. If he fusses at me I'll tell him that I could not afford the gas in the car. And that would be the honest truth. He doesn't know my situation. And I don't care for him to know. If this is one of those things I really dont have to come to then i shouldn't have to.
He said well if someone falls out in the stands they are gonna want to know where my trainer is.
One that is not my job.
Two there should be EMS here
Three Mrs Karrs and Ms Mays said that they have EMS here
Four let the EMS handle it. I would have to call them any way.
So as of right now im not coming. I'll feel worried the whole night but in the end we can't afford the gas. So hopefully i can get out of herr before 2:30 and hopefully he wont say anything about coming to graduation tonight.
I"ll let ya know how it all goes. Happy friday!
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