Wow! Is it really 2011?!? I can't believe how time just flies by! 2010- Thanks for the memories! Its been a great year, full of so much! I became and Aunt to a beautiful niece - Leanna Marie <3. Football season was so amazing! This summers mission trip to Savannah...wow. My sister got married! and so much more happened that I can't even remember right now, but it was a great year....lots of trials and testing. LP and I moved into the parsonage, and Ive made some new friends.
Of course with any new year we all have resolutions. Each year we make them and each year people either stick with it or look back in regret at something they wanted to do but didn't. I have my resolutions and I'm not promising to keep them, but I am promising that I will try. I am hoping that I will stick with certain things, and improve on others....but for the sake of blogging and something to do at this youth lock in here are some of my resolutions.
1.Grow Spiritually- Ive been complacent and not seeking after God, I just lazy or out of time...so.. its time to change that. I want to read my bible more, memorize it and know it! I want to follow God's will for my life :)
2. Grow spiritually with my husband - this means praying more together and reading the word together. Means a lot to me for Christ to be the center of our relationship
2.5. Spend more time with LP - we don't see each other as much but i want us to spend more time together.
3. Finish my Masters
4. Be a better athletic trainer - For me this just means to expand my knowledge, be more efficient at what I do and currently know.
5. Get in shape! - i say it all the time. But really I miss working out! So getting into shape means I work out, run and lift weights, but that I am aiming towards getting healthy, losing some weight, and toning up!.
6. Eat healthier - less soda and tea, and more water. More fruits and veggies. My body appreciates healthier foods :)
7. Run and complete a Half marathon :) - or at least run in some races!
8. Build strong friendships with my friends - spend time with friends, make new friends, and go see the ones I haven't seen in a while
9. Read more (I secretly want a kindle)
10. Read Captivating and complete the workbook
11. Cook more- really i want to cook for my hubby and me. and I want to be pretty good at it
12. Spend more time with family and friends
13. Save money
14. Get closer to being out of debt - pay off trailblazer, and cards and just have student loans to worry about
15. Go on a real vacation with LP- or at least start saving up for a big one!
16. Relax more
17. Complain less
18. Be more positive - toward life and myself as well!
19. Journal more - and or blog :)
Im sure there are so manyl other things I could add to the list...but I think that is enough for now. Im so tired right now lol I just want to do to bed! But im trying to hang in there till the end of the lock in...woah
Well welcome 2011....hope this is a great year!