Yes it snowed! Finally! I have not seen snow like this since my Freshman (maybe sophomore) year at CU. It was so beautiful! I thanked the Lord every time I looked outside to see it covered in white and to see it continue to fall. Lawrence and I walked up to downtown and took pictures and enjoyed the site of all the snow. It just looked so amazing and since there were only a few cars out on the street there was a peaceful feeling from all the snow.
With all the snow and some ice the county canceled school for Tuesday ( the actually snow day) then for Wednesday and to my surprise they closed school Thursday! It was like having a winter break! The rest I got was wonderful, and the time at home with LP and maggie was exactly what I needed. Praise God for his blessings!
So Tuesday marked an event in history, a historic one! I almost cried (im such a softy). Since we had the day off due to the weather CNN was all that we watched. Lawrence and I got to sit and watch as the 44th president of the United States was sworen in to Office. Now Im old enough to have voted twice. But I didnt really follow all the polotics like Idid this time around.
I was excited and happy to see history in the making. How awesome it was to see the first African American president voted into office. I really thought it was something you only in movies.
But being able to be a part of it all to see change in our nation and to see the inaguration was a great moment in my lifetime that I get to tell to my grandkids one day.
And my prayers are with the Bush family who is proud of what he did for the past 8 years and no matter what the pols said I still beleive in him and I still respect the man for leading the country.
Check out his speech on CNN when he got home to texas. Im so happy he got a warm welcome home.
As for President Obama I will pray for his term in office and I pray for the Lord to be with him and his wonderful family. And no matter what anyone says black,white, poka-dotted, yellow, pink or orange, young or old I beleive that the man in office today is the man that the Lord put in office. I beleive that God knows what he is doing and the right man for the job was selected. I feel a peace and comfort with President Obama in office....now if I could meet him for real that would be sweet! I think the opportunity to meet any president would be pretty sweet.
I am thankful for a country were I can vote freely and be a apart of what is best for my country.
So to President Obama- good luck and God be with you and your family in the years to come. I know you'll serve this country well.
Well today is friday....my only day of work this entire week! Working a basketball game but not complaing.
To God be the Glory!
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