So I have a confession to a procrastinator! *gasp*
*Like my family and anyone I went college with didn't already know that.*
You see I have ADD....meaning there are slow chemicals in my brain that don't really fire on time. haha my brain procrastinates too. But I have a hard time concentrating on a lot of stuff. I get bored and restless easily. But even when there is something to do I get off task and find something else that needs to be doing....follow me so far? good
So one of my new year resolutions or rather the things I want to accomplish by the end of 2009 is to spend time daily in the word, with the Lord, and another was to read my bible from beginning to end. So my scattered little brain put the two together. One of my FCA kids, Chris, at school pointed out a program that his church was doing. Its called Around the word in 180 days.
So I have started reading from the begining the other day.
With my procrastination and ADD i have a tendency to not complete things I start. So I am confessing now to my faults in hopes that I can complete something I start this year
I'll post all my resolutions later but for a start I am reading the bible all the way through and each day spending that time in Gods word to learn about him as he has always been from day one.
Praise be to God!
<3 LP -peace
My life is pretty random, but it's all important. And with my ADD it gets even more random....oohh shiny!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Oh a week Off and O yes Obama!

Yes it snowed! Finally! I have not seen snow like this since my Freshman (maybe sophomore) year at CU. It was so beautiful! I thanked the Lord every time I looked outside to see it covered in white and to see it continue to fall. Lawrence and I walked up to downtown and took pictures and enjoyed the site of all the snow. It just looked so amazing and since there were only a few cars out on the street there was a peaceful feeling from all the snow.
With all the snow and some ice the county canceled school for Tuesday ( the actually snow day) then for Wednesday and to my surprise they closed school Thursday! It was like having a winter break! The rest I got was wonderful, and the time at home with LP and maggie was exactly what I needed. Praise God for his blessings!
So Tuesday marked an event in history, a historic one! I almost cried (im such a softy). Since we had the day off due to the weather CNN was all that we watched. Lawrence and I got to sit and watch as the 44th president of the United States was sworen in to Office. Now Im old enough to have voted twice. But I didnt really follow all the polotics like Idid this time around.
I was excited and happy to see history in the making. How awesome it was to see the first African American president voted into office. I really thought it was something you only in movies.
But being able to be a part of it all to see change in our nation and to see the inaguration was a great moment in my lifetime that I get to tell to my grandkids one day.
And my prayers are with the Bush family who is proud of what he did for the past 8 years and no matter what the pols said I still beleive in him and I still respect the man for leading the country.
Check out his speech on CNN when he got home to texas. Im so happy he got a warm welcome home.
As for President Obama I will pray for his term in office and I pray for the Lord to be with him and his wonderful family. And no matter what anyone says black,white, poka-dotted, yellow, pink or orange, young or old I beleive that the man in office today is the man that the Lord put in office. I beleive that God knows what he is doing and the right man for the job was selected. I feel a peace and comfort with President Obama in if I could meet him for real that would be sweet! I think the opportunity to meet any president would be pretty sweet.
I am thankful for a country were I can vote freely and be a apart of what is best for my country.
So to President Obama- good luck and God be with you and your family in the years to come. I know you'll serve this country well.
Well today is only day of work this entire week! Working a basketball game but not complaing.
To God be the Glory!
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