Thursday, August 28, 2008


I can finally say that I passed my BOC test to become officially an Athletic Trainer! SWEETNESS!

When me and LP saw the results of the test and it said PASS we both screamed as if we scored a winning touch down! woo!

It feels so great to have finally done something right on this test. Im not completely officall yet but I will be. I have to send my CPR stuff and a transcript. I'm having to wait on both.

But Thanks you LORD! for hearing my prayers, and always making a way for me to take the test.

And I owe it HUGE to my parents and my LP neither of them let me stop taking the test, they never allowed me to quit. And LP had to suffer through all the times I didn't pass and I couldn't have gotten through without him there. (love you baby)

So that said I can finally stop blogging the night before about how I want to pass the test. haha.

It feels so good!

-mrs. powers

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