So I have this hammock that sits outside. its not the netted kind, it sits in a stand. LP got it for me last year for our wedding anniversary. He always says I don't use it...but I do :) and today I did :D And I wanted to share with you my time with God...but first let me back up to yesterday
Recently LP and I discovered a park next to Lake Benson...its on the same road as our gym....idk why we didnt notice it before. Oh and across the street it connects to another park! So awesome! Yesterday I took myself to the Park. LP was at the NCAA turnny with our pastor watching Carolina. So it was just me yesterday. I went to the park with the intention of running the loop around twice. Which is a 2.4 mile run. Well I sprinted another .1 mile, got a swig of water and went at it again for another half mile for a total of 3 miles! YES! Bring on the 5K im running in two weeks! whoo!
Well don't bring it on yet. I've got two more weeks lol. But thankfully I'll have my running buddies that weekend to push me!
So I came home, took my dog Maggie for a walk, then cooked a great dinner with and watched some basketball.
I love how yesterday was just want I needed. I may be sore today but it was well worth it.
This morning I used my hammock to enjoy breakfast and a yummy cup of coffee. I sat down with my bible and with God. Yesterday on my run I prayed God would run with me. Along my run I was able to just enjoy his creation. Not only nature but the people at the park. And I felt God Spoke this truth to me.: He said (in my own words). "Heather Look around. See the trees, birds, the water? I know you love the color and how they look. But if I can make all of this to be enjoyed by so many, to make them happy. Please for a moment think of this: I made you. I made you to enjoy this creation. If all of this is so precious to you, imagine how precious you are to me"
I smiled the whole run...well for the most part. I was able to enjoy my feet hitting the pavement, the kids running around, the dog barking, the sun in my face, the old guy laying on the ground taking pictures. It was all God, everywhere. I could only hope everyone around me was feeling the same.
In Malachi I read these truths today :
Ch 1 vs 2 "I have always love you" says the Lord
"I am the Lord, and I do not change" Ch3:6
"They will be my people" says the Lord of Heave's armies. "On the day when I act in judgment, they will be my own special treasure" ch4:17
I am a SPECIAL TREASURE! my God loves me. But this the truth: God remains faithful to us who honor and remain faithful to him. :)
Find peace today my friends, peace in God's truth. Go for a run, walk with God, and ask for his truth and love to wash over you. You wont regret it