The basketball tournament is moving on....but just not fast enough. I just went and got some Chick-fil-A :) which was delicious and amazing as always. Usually I dont get the chance to go get any type of food during tournaments, but we had a intermission today, and instead of the plain peanut butter sandwich I packed I chose to get something much better....muy bueno! :) I am trying to find a sunny side to all this, and stop my getting paid good money for this...but i just can't being wouldn't be so bad if I knew where I could be right now. :'/
Any ways we start back up at 330 and the last game starts at three more games....which is kind of like a night of basketball at OHS :/ loooooong, but the time inbetween these games is shorter and they play 2 16min halves instead of 4 8min quarters. so basically the same amount of time....
whew now my stomach hurts from eating...probably to much...usually I have Lawrence to make sure I dont eat as many chicken nuggets ;) But he is at UNC-W safely and with all the other cool people i wish to be hanging out with. But im glad he made it.
Alright fingers crossed in hopes the next three games will go by quickly. I might try to watch
Lie to me on Hulu.... love this show! Maybe that will make the time go by faster.
Either way Im sure in about 15 to 30 mins after my food has settled more I will want a nap.......oh if only. So ready to go. Ok i'll stop my complaining now