Well today is suppose to be the day we restart P90X.....i was suppose to get up this morning and try but failed to roll out of my comfortable sleep. Now worries...i'll do it tonight? I have to work so it will be late when i get home. I really would like to wait till next monday since I will no longer have any MORE GAMES TO WORK!!! MUWAHAHAHA....whew im a little excited. :D
Friday markes the end of regular home games....might have a few practices bc of play offs....and i might travel with a team to those said playoffs...but well see.
Any ways yesterday was the last day of soda and sweets. I think what I will do for now so I dont end up binging on cake or something lol....is just no sweets during the week....and if I want something on the weekend I can have some of it in moderation. I can do that since i mostly just work all week. :/ Im gonna try to keep a daily log of my progress. I would like to start running again along with P90x... we shall see. I went for a walk with maggie and jogged some last night...felt good.
Ok....breakfast was coffee (with a spoon of sugar...can't help it right now lol) and 2 eggs with cheese on wheat toast (1 slice) hmmm got an orange for snack...and idk about lunch or dinner.
hmmm....we shall see...update later